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On-The-Job-Training, Industrial Training, Internship

The MACCIA-INNOeVERSITY OJT Program is designed to benefit industries, institutes, and students through an industry-integrated, hybrid learning model. It reduces the administrative burden and risk for industries by eliminating the need to onboard immature, fresh students directly on-site. Instead, students prove their capabilities through structured problem-solving before qualifying for paid apprenticeship opportunities.

For institutes, the automated digital learning and evaluation process ensures compliance with the mandatory weekly progress evaluation framework, reducing faculty workload. Industry mentors also experience a reduced burden as students engage in self-paced, guided learning, making them better prepared for real-world challenges.

MACCIA-INNOeVERSITY OJT कार्यक्रम हा उद्योग, संस्था आणि विद्यार्थ्यांसाठी एकत्रित लाभ देणारा उद्योग-सहकार्यात्मक, हायब्रिड शिक्षण मॉडेल आहे. उद्योगांसाठी, हा कार्यक्रम ताज्या आणि अपरिपक्व विद्यार्थ्यांना थेट त्यांच्या कार्यस्थळी प्रशिक्षित करण्याच्या व्यवस्थापकीय जोखमीपासून मुक्तता देतो. याऐवजी, विद्यार्थी संरचित समस्यांवर आधारित शिक्षणाद्वारे स्वतःची गुणवत्ता सिद्ध करतात आणि त्यानंतर पैसे मिळविणाऱ्या शिकाऊ कार्यक्रमांसाठी पात्र ठरतात.

संस्थांसाठी, स्वयंचलित डिजिटल शिक्षण आणि मूल्यमापन प्रक्रिया ही साप्ताहिक प्रगती मूल्यमापन फ्रेमवर्क पूर्ण करण्यास मदत करते, ज्यामुळे प्राध्यापकांवरील ताण कमी होतो. तसेच, उद्योग मार्गदर्शकांवरील जबाबदारी कमी होते, कारण विद्यार्थी स्वतंत्रपणे मार्गदर्शित शिक्षणात गुंततात, ज्यामुळे ते व्यावसायिक जगात अधिक सक्षम आणि तयार होतात.

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  • Students submit a request to join the qualification test by filling out an application form that includes:


    • Industry domain & job role preference


    • WhatsApp number & email ID


    • Institute Name, City, District & Pin Code


    • Preferred location for in-person training (Solapur, Pandharpur, Barshi)

    • Students pay for the program either directly on-site or through their institute. Student immediately receives his selection, job description and OJT training schedule to MACCIA-INNOeVERSITY program, including the guidelines for assignment completion, and submission of work report

  • • The institute compiles a list of students who have paid and submits it

    along with payments to the designated account.


    • Each student’s email ID and institute name are verified for correct


    • Students gain access to the qualification test to evaluate their knowledge, aptitude, and skills.


    • The test score determines initial student rankings, providing insights into their industry readiness.

Phase - I
Student Registration and Qualification

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    • Top 10 best-performing students per institute qualify for a refund upon successful completion of the program.

    • These students also become priority candidates for paid apprenticeship opportunities under NATS/BOAT (₹9,000/month stipend after program completion).

    • Based on the number of paid students across different talukas, in-person training centers are finalized at:

      • Solapur

      • Pandharpur

      • Barshi

    •  Additional locations may be added if a minimum batch size is met.

    • MACCIA & INNOeVERSITY finalize industry mentors & faculty trainers based on job roles selected by students.

    • Mentors receive detailed guidelines, schedules, and training instructions for effective session delivery.

    • Every Saturday, industry experts conduct specialized job role training at three locations (Solapur, Pandharpur, Barshi) based on enrollment numbers.

    • Online + offline hybrid model ensures continuous student engagement.

    • Students complete weekly assignments, tasks, and performance evaluations.

    • Weekly performance is downloadable for personal review and institute tracking.

    • Students' personality radar charts and performance reports get automatically updated in their INNOeVERSITY workspace profile.

    • Industry recruiters can directly access student progress and skill development metrics.

Phase - II
Training Program Execution

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    • Upon completing 120 hours of structured training (online + offline), students will receive a Certificate of Completion from INNOeVERSITY & MACCIA.

    • This certification confirms that students have successfully met the academic requirement for degree completion as per the university’s guidelines.

    • Only top-performing students who have completed the program with merit will qualify for the next stage – Paid Apprenticeship.

    • These students will be evaluated on:

      • Skill performance across all modules.

      • Industry mentor feedback.

      • Final assessment results.

    • Shortlisted candidates will be placed for apprenticeship opportunities under the NATS/BOAT scheme, receiving a stipend of ₹9,000 per month.

    • Once students successfully complete their apprenticeship, they will be eligible for direct placements with partnering industries.

    • Industry recruiters will have direct access to student profiles, skill reports, and performance analytics via the INNOeVERSITY workspace.

    • MACCIA & INNOeVERSITY will facilitate career counseling, industry networking, and placement drives to connect students with the right job opportunities.

    • Students will be provided continued access to skill enhancement programs, industry mentorship, and professional networking opportunities.

    • A dedicated alumni network will help students stay connected with industry leaders, opening doors for higher education, advanced certifications, and career advancements.



Phase - III
Industry Engagement & Career Progression

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